
How to create a shortcut on desktop in firefox
How to create a shortcut on desktop in firefox

how to create a shortcut on desktop in firefox

With internet explorer, you can just right click on the page and select the option of creating a shortcut. With google chrome, you click on the square menu on right hand top of page, click on tools, then hit create shortcut. You can also view more tips in our archive. I want to know how I put a shortcut on my desktop with Mozilla Firefox. Try creating one yourself for audio files, custom applications, word documents, etc.

#How to create a shortcut on desktop in firefox download#

You can also create a shortcut to almost any type of file. In order to create a shortcut on your desktop that will mute and unmute the sound of your Web browser (Firefox, Chrome, or any other Web browser), Download the SoundVolumeView tool, put it in any folder you like on your system, and then follow the instructions below. Similar to that above command, you’d have done it this way: ln -s /Documents /Desktop. If you have a tip you’d like to share with other Firefox users, please post it on our Facebook page with #FirefoxTips and tag us, or post on Twitter with #FirefoxTips. And suppose, in your case, you wish to create a shortcut to your Document directory on your Linux desktop. Click on the icon in the Awesome Bar next to the site’s url and hold it, until you’ve moved the pointer to your desktop area and then let go, or “drop” it. Make sure you resize your browser window so you can also see your desktop behind it. These shortcuts let you quickly load specific websites. Did you know that you can use Firefox to create a shortcut on your computer’s desktop to a Web page you’ve visited? We’re here to tell you that you can! Creating a desktop shortcut let’s you open that page directly from your desktop – clicking the shortcut will allow your default browser (hopefully, that’s Firefox!) to open the site immediately. You can create shortcuts to websites on your computer desktop using most major browsers.

How to create a shortcut on desktop in firefox